Let’s Do Good
A project I did for my Google UX certification, this was a proposed app utility that essentially is a hypothetical database of volunteer job postings. This would create a centralized space for organizations recruiting volunteers, as well as assist people looking to get involved in serving their community.
The idea
Finding a volunteer opportunity can be difficult, especially depending on where you live and how your community communicates (ex: social media). It can be hard to know how to get started helping out your community and make connections.
The goal
Create a consistent utility for users nationwide that fosters both an inviting experience to get involved, and a place for communities to get assistance.
The process
Using the traditional UX methodology, user research principles, accessibility consideration, and wireframing, I created an app architecture and web experience.
Proposed experience
I mocked up the homepage after sketching paper wireframes iterations and eventually digitally finalizing the layout and sitemap. The page types created were homepage (designed to be personalized based on your location and preferences), opportunity explore page and listing page, messages, calendar of scheduled events, event detail page, sign up and confirmation page. In theory, there would be a posting experience as well.
Customer journey
I identified customer journeys and developed the content linking structure of the new IA based on them.